GAMEDAY offers a new merchandise style for professional athletes and influencers.
Products include:
A few of our partners are Cordarrelle Patterson, Eli Apple, and Zack Collins.
The mediums of marketing communication are currently Instagram, Twitter, and email marketing.
GAMEDAY sets up e-commerce platforms and works with professionals personally or through their agents.
More from Cordarrelle Patterson's line:
As Gameday, begins we want to begin having our own line of rnerchandise along with sponsoring our athletes and promoting their merchandise consistently.
We specialize in many types of apparel and wish to cater exactly to what the player wants.
We have a dedicated team of graphic designer and digital marketers to ensure proper branding for the player, along with our own merchandise.
To work with us un creating your own collector, please contact us.
Shannon "Dream" Hoodie: